The Intimate Life of Gamers

For this research survey, gamers were asked a series of questions, each trying to test one of the myths surrounding them and their sex life. The first one was about whether they like gaming more than sex, as this is sometimes the reason people point to when talking about them not being sexually active. The results were telling – in a way. I turned out that while about a third of male respondents said that gaming is more satisfying for them than sex, nearly half (over 49%) female gamers said the same thing. It turns out that women are much more into gaming than previously thought!
The other thing gamers are known for when it comes to their sex life is their attachment to video game characters – here the respondents were asked which protagonist they think is sexiest. It turned out that there’s no surprise there: the top spots were taken by embodiments of sex-appeal: Lara Croft and Geralt from The Witcher. To contrast pure attraction with more long-term commitment, the next question was about which character gamers would want to pick as their SO – here, even though the top spot was still taken by Tomb Raider’s protagonist, the range of responses was much wider: for example, in this ranking, Geralt actually lost his top spot for Garrus from the Mass Effect series, even though the latter is as alien looking as aliens can be. Of course, there were also some more… outlandish choices (here mentioning only Trevor from GTA V – it’s astonishing that someone would pick him as a romantic interest…). An interesting observation while asking this question was that the top choices (Geralt and Lara) were both there as winners regardless of the recipients’ gender.
The final interesting thing which closed the survey concerned the… romantic configuration most popular among gamers. To make things clear – here the recipients weren’t asked about what they would like it to be like in bed, but rather what their sex life actually looks like in terms of the number of sexual partners. While the most popular answer was correlating to the one most prevalent in the general population (whimsically called Couch Co-op), the interesting thing to observe is that roughly the same number of respondents (about 30% in both cases) described themselves as mainly “solo” players. What’s even more interesting, the next most popular answer (3-player multiplayer) was almost twice as popular among female gamers of adventure games than any other group, male or female. It seems that adventures on the screen equal adventures in real life as well!
Find out more about the above and other questions in the infographic below!