Poland Business Run 2024


The Poland Business Run (PBR) is a charity run for business professionals. Its goal is to support people with disabilities and those after mastectomies 👏🧡 

For the 13th time, the PBR Foundation organized the traditional relay race in Krakow, as well as virtual runs via an app, promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging support for those in need. The funds collected from registration fees have already enabled assistance to 120 people after amputations, with other mobility-related issues, and following mastectomies, and more beneficiary applications are being reviewed. 

A strong 30-person G2A team ran in Krakow, finishing 78th out of more than 2,500 five-person relay teams 💥 Each participant had to cover a distance of 3.6 km. 

Congratulations to our dedicated G2A Active Team runners, amazing job 🔥 We’re thrilled to have once again helped those in need together 💙🧡