G2A WOŚP Charity

wosp charity g2a

It’s a historic event: the thirtieth edition of a nationwide fundraiser providing underfunded hospitals with specialised, state-of-the-art medical equipment, with a special focus on medical and diagnostic care for children.

To help with this great cause, G2A created several video game-related auctions and will donate the proceeds to the Grand Finale. Four auctions are thematic video game bundles, while the fifth auction is for a year-long, monthly budget the winner can spend on digital keys on the G2A marketplace.

The bundles include:

  • A set of highly-rated Polish games;
  • A spread of Game of the Year title winners between 2014 and 2021
  • Nostalgic classics
  • Games with a significant, direct or indirect, educational value

With all proceeds going to a fantastic cause while the bidders win attractive prizes, doing good can truly feel good.