G2A offers to build free online platforms for charities all over the world. #LetsHelpTogether globally!


At first, we provided aid to local hospitals in Poland where G2A has its research and development centers. We gave them the resources they needed to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Other companies joined us, and we saw there’s a lot of good will. During this critical time, more and more people wanted to help any way they could. Soon, we received a number of questions from entrepreneurs about the most clever ways to solve pandemic-related problems.

As a result, we created and launched www.dzialajmyrazem.pl, a platform where local institutions can share their needs and connect with companies who are able to help them. So, clinics and institutional care centers can ask for help in solving problems such as shortages of medical equipment or a lack of different resources. Companies, on the other hand, can answer the requests shown on the platform, or offer their services proactively, for free.

The mechanism is simple. Institutions reviewed by volunteers can post what they need and verified businesses can offer help. We have created an efficient screening mechanism using our extensive experience in ecommerce to make sure only legitimate entities can use our platform.

It was both wonderful and humbling to see hotels offering catering services or event agencies willing to set up tents for hospitals, all completely out of good will.

DzialajmyRazem.pl has been positively received by Polish medical facilities and companies alike. This is why G2A wants to build more platforms for any charity organization in the world for free. We will cover all IT and infrastructure costs. Due to some restrictions, we are unable to verify private individuals, so this offer is addressed only to registered charities.

Any organization that would like to use such a platform can contact us via communications@g2a.com email address. Further details on the platform, and our offer, can be seen on the FAQ section on our website.

Let’s help together!

Bartosz Skwarczek,