G2A: A place full of development opportunities


The value of GROWTH has long been ingrained in our DNA. According to it, G2A provides us with the opportunity to expand knowledge and improve skills during work, enabling us to participate in various forms of professional and personal development. The company also encourages us to share knowledge and take care of our well-being, including work-life balance.

Success of the G2A development program

We were curious how those working at G2A perceive this, and it turns out that as many as 92 percent of us would recommend G2A as an employer that supports and enables our development. This surely has a direct correlation with the fact that last year we developed our talents in over 357 developmental events.

As part of the company-wide G2A for Learning & Development & Well-being program, 188 events were held, totaling 450 hours. They were led by 41 different internal and external experts, which were highly rated – receiving a score of 5/6. The overall program rating is also very good, at 4.7/6.

Diverse forms of development

The company organized developmental events for us such as webinars, training sessions, individual consultations, and internal knowledge-sharing programs like Together we’re Smarter. It also supported us in developing our language skills, and a webinar on effective language learning allowed us to discover many interesting learning methods. Business and sales negotiations, public speaking, and process optimization are areas we could improve in face-to-face sessions.

Dedicated managerial programs

Managerial staff could deepen their leadership skills in a specially dedicated Manager’s Academy development program. Meanwhile, Heads and Stars positions took part in a talent survey using the Gallup methodology, which allowed them to identify their strengths and learn how to leverage them in their daily work.

Well-being is fundamental

There were also many opportunities to learn how to take care of our well-being at work and in our free time through the G2A Well-being Gateway program. We could participate in a webinar on managing vital energy, workshops on organizational culture, and the G2A for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion project supporting diversity, equal opportunities, and inclusion. During Women’s and Men’s Month, we had the opportunity to meet online and listen to many interesting lectures on building confidence, femininities, women in the gaming world, self-presentation, and running.

Support for individual development

In addition to internally organized developmental events, we participated in 169 individual developmental events organized by over 120 different providers. These included specialist training, workshops, and industry conferences. We obtained certificates, and some of us decided to pursue higher education supported by G2A. We also took advantage of the opportunity to purchase books to expand our professional and technical knowledge.

This year, we continue the implementation of the development program, involving all employees at G2A, and we hope it will be received just as well 💖